How to apply:
Please review the job description (below) and complete the last page:
Allies Provider Job Description (Word version; to print/hand write)
Allies Provider Job Description (Fillable PDF; to complete digitally)
Complete an application:
Job Application (Word version; to print/hand write)
Job Application (Fillable PDF; to complete digitally)
Send your cover letter, current resume, completed job application, and completed last page of job description by email to Ericka Rhodes.
If you meet the qualifications and we are in need of additional staffing you will be invited to interview with the Allies Team. At times it can take awhile to interview all the candidates, so please be patient while we review your application.
If you are offered a job:
You must complete a criminal background check (up to 4 weeks to process if you are not in the current system for fingerprints).
Fingerprints are required if you have committed a crime or have lived outside of Oregon in the last 5 years. Some individuals may have to complete fingerprints even if neither situation above applies to them.
You must bring copies for the following to your new hire meeting:
Current driver’s license and auto insurance
Current First Aid/CPR card
I-9 approved identification such as Social Security card or passport
Sample training can include the following:
Set up schedule with supervisory staff
Mandatory Abuse Reporter training (online)
Staff meetings
Job shadowing
Video, in-person, or webinar training
Meet with community resources and partners
Read through important sections of policies and procedures
Complete sample forms
Observe and participate in Allies groups
Work independently with check-in calls, emails, meetings
Meet and interview with potential individuals to support
Review files of individuals you may support
Go over feedback from individuals in services with employee
Learn employee database and filing system